WeLcOmE tOo: ThE uLtImAtE hAiRy PlOpPeR fAn SiTe!

Some people have said I don't like Harry Potter. This isn't true! I love Hairy Plopper! My favourite character is Bumblebore, followed by Don Beasley, then Flagrid!!!1!!1!!one!!many ones11!

Did you know you can right-click on this web page and left click on view source to see how it's put together. Don't steal muh sauce bro!

Here's how you can make bold and italic text.

This is a video:

Here's an unordered list of Hairy Plopper Characters I like:

And here's a list of my favourite Hairy Plopper Movies!

  1. Hairy Plopper and the Full Officer's Groan
  2. Hairy Plopper and the Framer of Sea Pics
  3. Hairy Plopper and the Insurance of Axa Plan
  4. Hairy Plopper and the Job Lot of Wire
  5. Hairy Plopper and the Order of the Pizza
  6. Hairy Plopper and the Curried Mallows Pts 1 and 2

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